The Boulevard Ear 9/21/13: Raging in a Quiet Corner:

Where bands (and fans) from the past are concerned, one can count on a picturesque crowd. The question is always the music: do the players still have something to say, and can they bring it with gusto?  Frightwig was one of the SF punk scene’s most aggressive and eccentric bands. Barely acknowledged in their time, they are now credited with providing the spark for rriot girl and subsequent significant musical currents.

Before they played a note, their words of greeting made clear that the years have not dulled Frightwig’s edge. They bench-pressed their set, punching out their fluid mixture of garage punk, metal and art grunge with a relentless blend of joy, humor and rage…the explosive triumph of Frightwig…”

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“Me, Kat and Jennifer Finch all watched Frightwig on the same night and all decided to start bands the next day.  Frightwig are the true grandmothers of riot grrl and everything  Without them there would be no Hole, no Babes in Toyland, no L7, no PJ Harvey, no riot grr.”- Courtney Love, Hole

“I saw the first Frightwig show and was so impressed and inspired, I made it a point to never miss another.  In all its incarnations, Frightwig WAS the San Francisco music scene.  Their sheer intensity horrified and inspired a whole breed of musicians.  Bands like Flipper and The Dead Kennedys were threatened by their talent, and because they weren’t so into playing with boys or keyboards at the time I had no choice but to settle for playing with Faith No More.” – Roddy Bottum, Faith No More

“One of the coolest, scariest bands ever.  They were grungy while Mudhoney was still in diapers.” – Donita Sparks, L7

“Frightwig are one of the originals.  They were raw, real and very rocking.  Definitely worth checking out.” – Mike Bordin, Faith No More

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